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Michael Charles Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison Present Five Virtual Talks at the Globalistics 2020/Sixth International Science Congress in Moscow, Russia, May 18-23, 2020
1)_One-Hour Conversation with Dr. Michael Charles Tobias, President, Dancing Star Foundation:
2) Fifteen-Minute Conversation with Jane Gray Morrison and Dr. Michael Charles Tobias
3) Wake-Up Call for the Planet – Short Video with Dr. Michael Charles Tobias
4) Earth Day 2020: Biodiversity -Short Video with Dr. Michael Charles Tobias
5) Measurable Successes – Short Video with Dr. Michael Charles Tobias
Special Thanks to: https://ourcarbonfootprint.org
Dr.Michael Charles Tobias and Ms. Jane Gray Morrison Deliver One HourAnnual K.C.Jain Memorial Lecture at the International School of Jain Studies in New Delhi, Dec
Dancing Star Foundation Announces a New Partnership with the Santa Fe Botanical Garden.
Three New Books by Dancing Star Foundation authors and co-authors: The Theoretical Individual in February 2018 (Springer Nature, New York and Switzerland), Bionomics In The Dragon Kingdom: Ecology, Economics and Ethics in Bhutan in November 2018 (Springer Nature Life Sciences, New York and Switzerland), and The Tuscany Dialogues (SelectBooks, New York) in the Fall 2019.
Premiere of the new Global Spirit program: SACRED ECOLOGY
Sunday, July 13, 6:00pm PT / 9:00pm ET
with Joanna Macy and Dr. Michael Tobias.
The program will be streamed globally at www.GlobalSpirit.tv and broadcast nationally in the US on satellite channel Link TV [DIRECTV Ch 375 | DISH Network Ch 9410]
Following the program premiere, tune in for a LIVE WEBCAST where you can join the conversation with the program guests, send comments and ask questions.
Please watch program excerpts HERE and submit your questions or comments in advance to info@cemproductions.org.
A New Book From Dancing Star Foundation, published by Springer:
Anthrozoology: Embracing Co-existence in the Anthropocene
A book by Michael Tobias and Jane Morrison of Dancing Star Foundation stresses the need for universal ecological coherence, whilst celebrating the current scientific Renaissance of anthrozoological studies:
"We either recognize the miracle of other sentient intelligence, sophistication, and genius, or risk enshrining the shortest lived epitaph of any known vertebrate in earth's 4.1 billion years of life."
This groundbreaking work of both theoretical and experiential thought by two leading ecological philosophers and animal liberation scientists ventures into a new frontier of applied ethical anthrozoological studies. Through lean and elegant text, readers will learn that human interconnections with other species and ecosystems are severely endangered precisely because we lack - by our evolutionary self-confidence - the very coherence that is everywhere around us abundantly demonstrated. What our species has deemed to be superior is, according to Tobias and Morrison, the cumulative result of a tragically tenuous argument predicated on the brink of our species' self-destruction, giving rise to a most unique proposition: We either recognize the miracle of other sentient intelligence, sophistication, and genius, or risk enshrining the shortest lived epitaph of any known vertebrate in earth's 4.1 billion years of life.
Tobias and Morrison draw on 45 years of research in fields ranging from ecological anthropology, animal protection and comparative ethics to literature and spirituality - and beyond. They deploy research in animal and plant behavior, biocultural heritage contexts from every continent and they bring to bear a deeply metaphysical array of perspectives that set this book apart from any other. The book departs from most work in such fields as animal rights, ecological aesthetics, comparative ethology or traditional animal and plant behaviorist work, and yet it speaks to readers with an interest in those fields.
A deeply provocative book of philosophical premises and hypotheses from two of the world's most influential ecological philosophers, this text is likely to stir uneasiness and debate for many decades to come.
2016Dancing Star Foundation President Has 2 New One-Hour Conversations with the 12th Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Dr. G. Wayne Clough, and with Ms. Ingrid Newkirk, President of PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
David Wagner reflects upon Tobias’ and Morrison’s new Dancing Star Foundation book, Anthrozoology: Embracing Co-Existence in the Anthropocene.

Dr. Michael Charles Tobias, President of DSF will be presenting a plenary Keynote Address in the Bolshoi Theatre October 26th, participating in the “Big History” Symposium press conference on the 27th – “Russia Today” – and presenting a second speech on Global Ecology on the 28th, with the concurrent release in Russian of the Jane Gray Morrison/Michael Charles Tobias DSF book, The Metaphysics of Protection. The closing ceremony will include the Russian premiere of the DSF film, “Yasuní – A Meditation On Life,” a DSF film by Tobias and Morrison for the Government of Ecuador.
The co-organizers of the joint scientific platform dedicated to the 70-year anniversary of the United Nations include the International Global Research Association, Public Committee “UN-70”, Russian Association of international studies, United Nations Association of Russia, International Institute of Development of Scientific Cooperation, International Fund of N.D. Kondratyev, International Science and Education Center of A.A.Zinovyev, International Public Organization “Eurasian commonwealth”, International Institute of Development and Self-organization of Simon Kuznets, Pitirim Sorokin/ Nikolai Kondratiev International Institute, Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, Russian Philosophical Society, Russian Ecological Academy and others.
Preliminary program of the IV International Scientific Congress “Globalistics-2015: Global Diplomacy in Unstable World”
25-30 October 2015 in MSU
October 26, Monday
- The grand opening of the Congress
- Plenary Session of the Congress
October 27, Tuesday
- Global Diplomacy in Unstable World
- Symposium on Megahistory
- Symposium “Global development: challenges and conflicts of the XXI century”
- XXIII Kondratiev reading "Dead Ends of the global economy, the search for new theoretical paradigm"(1st session)
- X Civilizational Forum
- Global management
- Philosophical problems of globalization
- Regional Diplomacy in globalizing World
- XXIII Kondratiev reading "Dead Ends of the global economy, the search for new theoretical paradigm" (2nd session)
- Symposium on Megahistory
- X Civilizational Forum
- Global management
- Philosophical problems of globalization
October 28, Wednesday
- Section “Global Ecology and Energetics”
- Section “Geo-disasters and global development”
- Symposium on Megahistory
- Section “Global education”
- Conclusions and grand closing ceremony of the Congress
70 лет Организации 70th Anniversary of the United
Объединенных Наций Nations Organization
25-30 октября 2015 года на международной научной площадке Московского государственного университета имени М.В. Ломоносова и Московского государственного института международных отношений (университета) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации состоятся посвященные 70-летию ООН IV Международный научный конгресс «Глобалистика» на тему «Глобальное управление и дипломатия в нестабильном мире», Глобальный университетский саммит БРИКС и IX Конвент Российской ассоциации международных исследований на тему «Многосторонние институты: глобальная эффективность vs. национальные интересы». Торжественное заседание, посвященное 70-ой годовщине ООН, состоится 26 октября 2015 года в 11-00 в Актовом зале Интеллектуального центра – Фундаментальной библиотеки МГУ (Москва, Ломоносовский проспект, д. 27). Конгресс и программу юбилейных мероприятий откроют председатель Оргкомитета Конгресса Ректор МГУ академик В.А. Садовничий и председатель Общественного Комитета «ООН-70» Ректор МГИМО (У) академик А.В.Торкунов. 27-28 октября 2015 года пройдут заседания секций Конгресса, Глобального университетского саммита БРИКС, Конвента Российской ассоциации международных исследований и целого ряда других мероприятий, которые завершатся подведением итогов на пленарных сессиях. Приглашаем Вас и Ваших коллег принять участие в международных научных мероприятиях, посвященных 70-летию ООН.
25-30 October 2015 the joint international scientific platform of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and Moscow State Institute (University) for Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation will host the events devoted to the 70th anniversary of the United Nations: The solemn session devoted to the 70th anniversary of the United Nations will take place on October 26, 2015 at 11-00 a.m. in the Main Conference Hall of the Intellectual Center – Fundamental Library of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (27, Lomonosov prospect, Moscow). The Congress and the Program of the Jubilee festivities will be inaugurated by the Chairman of the Congress Organizing Committee, Rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Acad. V.A. Sadovnichy and by the Chairman of the Public Committee ‘UNO-70’, Rector of the Moscow Institute for Foreign Relations Acad. A.V.Torkunov. 27-28 October 2015 there will be sessions of the Congress, of the Global University Summit of BRICS, of the Convent of the Russian Association of International Studies and the whole range of other events. We invite you and your colleagues to take part in the international scientific events devoted to the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations.


A Twenty Minute Talk by Dame Jane Goodall, and then a twenty-minute talk by Dr. Michael Tobias, back-to-back, with questions afterwards, at the 21st Annual International Meeting of the Club of Budapest, in Budapest Hungary during the first week of December, 2014:
Scroll Down to Session/Video #3: starting at 1:05:00… - to see talks by Jane Goodall, and then Michael Tobias
Michael Tobias/Jane Gray Morrison “Ecotopia” one-hr radio interview, July 8th
Michael Tobias/Jane Gray Morrison “The Many Shades of Green” 30-minute radio interview, July 9th
“Sacred Ecology” LinkTV International Premiere, one-hr television film starring Michael Tobias and eco-philosopher Joanna Macy, PhD, with PBS Premiere in the Fall of 2014, Hosted by Phil Cousineau, Directed & Produced by Stephen Olsson, CEM Productions, Global Spirit television series: http://www.cemproductions.org/globalspirit/sacred-ecology/
with 7 PM, PST, Live Webcast following the film
Michael Tobias will deliver a Skype Address at the “Acharya Tulsi Birth Centenary Celebration, 2013-2014,” New Delhi, India, Sep.26-28: http://www.anuvrat.info/
The Metaphysics of Protection, by Michael Tobias & Jane Gray Morrison, Foreword by Dr. Ervin László, Preface by Dr. Marc Bekoff, Publisher’s Note by Bill Gladstone; to be published by Waterfront Digital Press, September 15, 2014.
Why Life Matters: Fifty Ecosystems of the Heart & Mind, by Michael Tobias & Jane Gray Morrison, to be published by Springer, August 31, 2014:
"Why Life Matters: 50 Ecosystems of the Heart & Mind"
Michael Tobias to Deliver Address – “The Ecology of Care” - at Upcoming Ahimsa Center Conference
Dancing Star Foundation announces its new Guest Artists, Nigel Brown
Hope On Earth, the new book by Michael Tobias and Professor Paul Ehrlich (Stanford University), to be published by the University of Chicago Press, Spring, 2014.
Dancing Star Foundation Announces its 2014 Research Fellow,


Dancing Star Foundation collaborated with Gustavo Ramirez on research throughout numerous newly discovered petroglyph sites throughout Tamaulipas dating back some 3,000 years, and shedding much light on the mystery tribes that moved through this region, as well as the paleo-zoology of what is today northeastern Mexico. A scientific monograph on the more than 5,000 newly discovery rock-paintings is currently in the works, a collaboration of Dancing Star Foundation with Ramirez and colleagues. About Señor Ramirez, he is the Director of the Mexican Network of Archaeology ("RMA") and Researcher of the National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico in Tamaulipas State.
During the latter half of 2013, Dancing Star Foundation collaborated with leading scientists, architects, government officials and environmental agencies in Mozambique to advise upon the initiation of a national, city park in that nation's capital, Maputo, following meetings in China, and during the UN General Assembly in New York with His Excellency, the President of Mozambique, Armando Guebuza. Dr. Tobias made site visits to the city park in Maputo, along with the Mozambique military and regional scientists, as well as an extensive site survey to the key biologically rich island – Inhaca - in the Mozambique Strait. In full collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, and the team assembled for the creation of the city park ("Malhazine"), just miles inland from the southern-most coral reefs on the planet, at the near southern tip of the Riff Valley Avian Migration, the endeavor moves forward.

A recent DG Networks/Universal One, 90-minute British radio interview with Michael Tobias: http://www.davidgibbons.org/michaelcharlestobias.html

Fifth Worldwide Meeting on Human Values, Monterrey Mexico, October 15-17.

Dr. Tobias 16 minute speech via video for the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies, the Research Centre for Sustainable Development, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, September 15th, 2013.

A major new art exhibition, “Environmental Impact,” curated by David Wagner, with Catalogue Essay by Michael Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison,

In late 2012 / early 2013, two groups of Stewart Island Robins, 57 individuals, were successfully translocated to the DSF Preserve. This represents a significant milestone for the unique Stewart Island Robin population. For full details and photographs, see: http:///www.dancingstarfoundation.org/translocations.php
http://blog.doc.govt.nz/2013/01/24/halfmoon-bay-school-help-robins/ .

May 17-18, 2013 Michael Tobias addresses the 2nd World Cultural Forum (Taihu, China) http://www.thffc.com/tcf_en/about.php
Taihu, China - Foundation for the Urban Environment

Feb 24, 2013 - 1 min - Uploaded by DeptOfConservation The first Air New Zealand-funded transfer of fledgling Stewart Island robins from Ulva Island ...

Jan 24, 2013 ... The first Air New Zealand-funded transfer of fledgling Stewart Island robins from Ulva Island to a new home in the Dancing Star Foundation ...

This month's Conservation Champions are the Stewart Island/Rakiura ... launch of DOC's biodiversity project partnership with Air New Zealand, a busy day with media, ... SIRCET and the Dancing Star Foundation, is also managed by SIRCET

Jan 24, 2013 ... The first Air New Zealand-funded transfer of fledgling Stewart Island robins from Ulva Island to a new home in the Dancing Star Foundation ...


November 2 – 4, 2012
Michael Tobias/Jane Morrison Lecture at the Cal Poly Poly Pomona Conference, “Ahimsa and Sustainable Happiness.”

September 10, 2012
Jane Morrison/Michael Tobias Talk at the South Bay Bird Society.

May 25 – June 14, 2012
Ray Ching Exhibition
Jonathan Grant Galleries
Auckland, New Zealand.
New Zealand born, British-based artist, Ray Ching (b.1939) is widely considered to be one of the greatest living ornithological bird and figure painters.This exhibition includes three works depicting Kiwis (Genus Apteryx). Mr. Ching, and the Jonathan Grant Galleries have generously provided that 10% of all proceeds from the sale of these three drawings will be donated to the Dancing Star Foundation to help in its ongoing work to protect native birdlife on Stewart Island/Rakiura, particularly the Stewart Island Brown Kiwi, or Southern Tokoeka.

Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.Dancing Star Foundation will be taking part in the Summit in connection with its recent co-production of the film “Yasuní– A Meditation on Life” which will premiere at the Summit as part of the Ecuadorian presence there

May 6, 2012
Dancing Star Foundation International Initiatives & Fundraising High Priorities. Dancing Star Foundation had a fundraising event in early May, hosted by William Shatner, with Music presented by Maroon 5/1863's Jesse Carmichael. More than 70 people were in attendance to learn more about DSF's various endeavors.

April 22, 2012, EarthDay
Dr. Tobias spoke as part of a roundtable discussion in the nation's capital on the National Mall. Other participants included Dr. Ivonne Baki, former Ecuadorian Ambassador to the United States and current Ecuadorian Secretary of State for the Yasuní-ITT Initiative, Susan Bass, Senior Vice President of Programs and Operations at the Earth Day Network, Stu Dalheim and Paul Bugala of Calvert Investments, Goldman Environmental Prize winner Sarah James, Dr. Jack Kaye, Associate Director of the Earth Science Division at NASA, energy expert Jigar Shah who launched SunEnergy in 2003, and President of the American Council on Renewable Energy, the Retired Vice Admiral Dennis V. McGinn.
London School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London – 12th Annual Jaina Keynote Lecture:
"Mahavira, Don Quixote and the history of ecological ethics and idealism"
Dr Michael Tobias (Los Angeles)
Download Program (PDF)

Date: March 21, 2012
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Venue: Brunei Gallery
Room: Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
The lecture was part of the symposium Biodiversity Conservation and Animal Rights: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives which took place the following day on 22 March 2012.
The conference attracted well over 150 people and provided a serious and highly original forum for addressing the contributions of various great spiritual traditions, and the complexities of reconciling ethical and doctrinal versions of the world with the very real world of ecological degradation and the many challenges of species and individual protections.
Please also see: http://www.soas.ac.uk/biodiversity/21mar2012-12th-annual-jaina-lecture-mahavira-don-quixote-and-the-history-of-ecological-ethics-and-id.html
Organiser: SOAS Centre of Jaina Studies
Contact email: events@soas.ac.uk


October 27-30, 2011
EcoFest International Film Festival - Oradea, Romania

June, 2011
Siddhachalam Jain Tirth
65 Mud Pond Road
Blairstown, NJ 07825

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS)
Michael Tobias will join Robert W. Gillespie, Director of Population Communication in a presentation addressing issues of population control.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Loyola Marymount University
Michael Tobias and Jane Morrison from the Dancing Star Foundation will be engaging in an informal discussion on their new book "God's Country: The New Zealand Factor" in Dr. Christopher Chapple's World Religion and Ecology class (University Hall 3218) from 3:00-4:15 PM at Loyola Marymount University. Following this discussion, there will be a screening of the "State of the Earth" followed by a Q&A session starting at 6:00 PM at University Hall 1000. Both the class discussion and screening is open to the LMU Community, as well as the public.

Friday, April 15, 2011
Golden West College Annual Peace Conference
Q & A with Michael Tobias and Jane Morrison following a screening of their forthcoming film, State of the Earth.


Dancing Star Foundation's commitment to a healthy, flourishing Earth, is inseparable from its belief that human beings – powerful stewards of the environment - must themselves be healthy and happy. All people should have access to the best information, care and expertise in the treatment of life-threatening diseases.
UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
In addition to its global ecological and educational work, for ten years (2000-2010), the Foundation also created and funded an alternative oncology program at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.
UCLA Medical School, The Stiles Program in Integrative Oncology supporting research and clinical work seeking the cure.

No Vacancy screening
Action on Film Festival
Pasadena, California
July 28, 2010

Lecture "Thinking About Sustainability:
Ethics, Economics and the Biology of Nations"
HOTSPOTS screening
November 11, 2010
Pitzer College, Claremont, California
(Download PDF)
HOTSPOTS screening
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
June 13, 2010
HOTSPOTS Screening
Princeton Environmental Film Festival
Princeton, New Jersey
January 6, 2010

Lecture "Ahimsa and Sustainability"
Sudha and Pravin Mody International Conference
on Nonviolence
November 12-14, 2010
Ahimsa Center
at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Young Jains of America 9th Biennal YJA Convention
"Inspire, Connect to do the Jains Thing"
New Jersey
July 2-5, 2010
Tobias will speak on "The Complexities of Non-Violence" and "Jainism and Ecology"

TEDx Munich 2010 "Thinking about Global Sustainability" Technology, Entertainment, Design x
Munich Germany
June 7th, 2010

99 Seconds for the future of biodiversity
Providing high-quality and up-to-date information on biodiversity and ecosystems
Dr. Michael Tobias - Dancing Star Foundation
Dr. Michael Tobias is a global ecologist, anthropologist, historian, explorer, author and filmmaker. Listen to his deep thoughts about life forms and the connection between all species. You can feel his commitment to nature and non-violence.


Burbank International Film Festival, March 22-29, 2009
Best Socially Conscious Award
State College, PA
April 29, 2009
Institute for Integrative Nutrition
New York City, NY
June 7, 2009
Johnstown, PA
July 8-12, 2009
5th Annual Vibrant Living Expo
Fort Bragg, CA
August 21-23, 2009

No Vacancy Screening
Honolulu Film Festival 2009 - Film Competition Winners
Best Director: Michael Tobias
Honolulu International Film Festival
Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 9:30 pm

Conservation Film Festival 2009
November 5- 8, 2009
West Virginia
“Hotspots” airing on:
Wednesday, November 12 at 10:00pm KCET- Hotspots Part 1
Wednesday, November 19 at 10:00pm KCET- Hotspots Part 2
Monday December 15, 2008 at 10:00pm KQED- Hotspots Part 1
Monday December 22, 2008 at 10:00pm KQED- Hotspots Part 2
Check your local Public Broadcasting for additional schedules for airdates of "Hotspots" on public television stations throughout the United States beginning mid-November, 2008 and throughout 2009.
March 2009
Environmental Film Festival
Washington, D.C.
ENDANGERED SPECIES: Flora and Fauna in Peril
November 26, 2008 through February 27, 2009
The Endangered Species Exhibition at the
U.S. Dept of Interior Museum in Washington, D.C..
November 7, 2009
American Conservation Film Festival 2009 Selection
West Virginia

“Ahimsa” Film Screening
November 8, 2009 at 10:45am
Siddhachalam Jain Tirth
New Jersey
Register for film
Ahimsa: Non Violence Film and Discussion
Rubin Museum of Arts, New York
Saturday November 7, 2009 @4:00pm

Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital
with a special screening and a Q&A at the National Zoo
Washington, D.C. March 12, 2009

The Autry National Center
The Foundation is currently exploring a project in collaboration with the Autry National Center that will focus on multiple levels with respect to Native Americans, ecological sustainability and photography.



June 22, through September 14, 2008:
The Dancing Star Foundation Challenge Grant
Art Competition Sponsored by the Wildling Art Museum:
The Wildling Art Museum received 2 challenge grants from Dancing Star Foundation in support of the Museum's first international juried art competition, exhibition, and book, "Endangered Species: Flora and Fauna in Peril." The Wildling succeeded in raising the matching funds.
In late Spring 2008, the Wildling opened its exhibition. Subsequently, the exhibition traveled to the Museum at the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C., and to Wildlife Experience in Parker, Colorado.
To order the Exhibition catalogue "Endangered Species: Fauna & Flora in Peril," click Products on the main navigation.

"Sanctuary" Signings
June 25-29 and July 2-6, 2008
42nd Annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Bhutan at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival
The DSF book, Sanctuary: Global Oases of Innocence
will be formally launched at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival on June 25th,
with multiple booksignings.
Book Signing & Lecture By Michael Tobias On “The Art Of Saving Endangered Species”
July 23, 2008, 7:30 pm
Wildling Museum
August 19, 2008, 7:00 pm
Book Soup Book signing
September 26-27, 2008
Sanctuary –Global Oases of Innocence - Book launch and signing
Poets and Writers Celebration
Michael Tobias and Jane Morrison: 30 minute profile on
Television series, WRITING OUT LOUD
with Teresa Miller, author and creator of the Oklahoma Center for Poets and Writers will air Monday, November 24th, 10:30 p.m., on OETA, Oklahoma's PBS affiliate. http://poetsandwriters.okstate.edu/outloud/Nov08.html
"No Vacancy" Screenings
Buffalo Niagara Film Festival
April 18-20, 2008
Da Vinci Film Festival
Corvallis, Oregon
June 10-13, 2008
International Film Festival England (IFFE)
October 13-18, 2008
International Film Festival South Africa (IFFSA)
October 16-21, 2008
Cinemambiente Environmental Film Festival
in Torino, Italy.

March 27, 2008, 6:30 pm
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
April 2, 2008, 6:30 pm
Loyola Marymount University
May 5, 2008, 7:00 - 9:30 pm
UCLA, sponsored by the UCLA Medical School
UCLA Campus - RPB Auditorium in Stein Plaza.
June 13, 2008 7:00 pm
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
June 19, 2008, 2:15 pm
University of Oregon, Portland
July 13, 2008, 6:30 pm
South Bay Bird Society
West Valley Birds Society
Hermosa Beach Playhouse
August 1, 2008
Santa Ynez Valley Premiere - Wildling Museum
"HOTSPOTS" - Free Friday Flick Under the Stars
As a fundraiser for the Wildling Art Museum, the acclaimed film "HOTSPOTS" will premier in the Santa Ynez Valley for our summer Free Friday Flick Under the Stars.
September 4, 2008
IUCN Screening in Gland Switzerland
Hotspots Invitation
September 11, 2008
The Auckland Museum, New Zealand
PDF: Auckland Museum screening
September 26, 2008
INTERVIEW on Public radio Tulsa 88.7 - Michael Tobias and Jane Morrison
September 27, 2008
Oklahoma Center for Poets and Writers http://poetsandwriters.okstate.edu/celebration/hilites2008.html
October 3, 2008
Flagstaff Festival of Science
“Hotspots” are some 35 regions in the world that have been identified by scientists as being species rich and, therefore, most vulnerable to environmental degradation. The film zeroes in on some of these "hotspots," so that we can learn first-hand from scientists about the threats faced by the rare flora and fauna that live there.
The garden will be open at 6:00 pm for guests to bring their own blankets, lawn chairs, and picnic baskets. The museum will extend its hours to give guest the opportunity to view "Endangered Species: Flora and Fauna in Peril," a perfect complement for the evening's environmental focus. In addition, there will be live music for entertainment and, before the film begins at sunset, film maker Michael Tobias will briefly introduce his film.
As always, this Friday Flick is free to the public - but, if you would like to show your support for the museum and the exhibitions and programs we offer throughout the year, there is a suggested donation of $6 per person or $10 per couple. Children 12 and under are free.
Wine, soda, and water along with popcorn and cookies will be provided, free, as long as supplies last. This program is made possible by a generous grant from The Valley Foundation. For more information about Wildling activities, click here.

March 21, 2008
Raw Food Film Festival
Los Angeles California
Friday evening, August 22, 2008, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Raw Lifestyle Film Festival at the Vibrant Living Expo
Living Light Culinary Center, 301 North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA
And Fort Bragg Town Hall, 363 North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA

(Ta Dzong) in Paro, Bhutan

Dancing Star Foundation Photographic Exhibition at The National Museum of Bhutan (Ta Dzong) in Paro, Bhutan
Bhutan is on the verge of a new era as the entire nation prepares for monumental events taking place over the country. The country has seen the Wangchuck Dynasty enter its 100th year of rule since its foundation on 17th December 1907 with Gongsa Ugyen Wangchuck as the first unanimously elected Monarch. With the resignation of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo the Fifth King is to ascend to the Golden Throne at the auspicious moment of Centenary Celebration this year.
Bhutan has entered a new form of governance with the adoption of Democracy. In commemoration of all these historic events Bhutan’s unique tangible and intangible culture were displayed at the 42nd Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington, D.C. from 25th June to 5th July, 2008. The profound spirit and energy of the festival was captured photographically by the conservationist couple, Dr. Michael Tobias and Ms. Jane Gray Morrison. Dancing Star Foundation, along with the Bhutanese Government, was the Major Donor to the 2008 Smithsonian Folklife Festival, on behalf of Bhutan.
This year through Bhutan’s participation at the festival, millions of visitors have had the opportunity to understand its unique culture and deep perspective towards promoting Human Happiness and well-being above all material gains. It is this principle that Bhutan aims to share with the rest of the world.
Click on image to enlarge


Smithsonian 2008 Folklife Festival
Smithsonian 2008 Folklife Festival
For ten days beginning the last week in June, 2008, the Smithsonian Institution's annual Folklife Festival (which has been named, in the past, "The Top Event in the United States") honored the nation of Bhutan on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.. All events were free and were organized by the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, in concert with the Royal Government of Bhutan. Dancing Star Foundation was proud to be one of the two major donors of the Festival. This alliance corresponds to DSF's commitment to the Smithsonian Institution and to Bhutan as a nation which has strived with remarkable success to uphold its own convictions regarding conservation and cultural heritage, in the face of complex 21st Century pressures. DSF believes that in many respects, Bhutan represents an ecological model of excellence for other nations. As the leaders of the Folklife Festival wrote, "The Festival will celebrate Bhutan's special approach towards life. The Bhutanese have chosen a different path towards development, rooted in deep respect for and protection of the Kingdom's unique resources. The Festival program will place emphasis on the Kingdom's protection of its diverse culture, community and environment, and it comes at a time when the country will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the current monarchy as well as preparing for a new future under a democratic constitution."
The Focus of DSF's involvement with the Bhutan portion of the Folklife Festival pertained to the various elements within the diverse programs which drew attention to, and commended Bhutanese conservation, as well as that nation's pursuit of what Bhutan's Fourth King named "Gross National Happiness". This "indicator" was devised as a means of better assessing the total quality of life of a people – spiritual, environmental and ethical - as opposed to thinking merely in strictly monetary terms.
DSF's recent book, Sanctuary: Global Oases of Innocence, with its final chapter on Bhutan, and a Foreword by Her Majesty Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck, Queen of the Fourth King of Bhutan, was officially released at the Festival, with the kind assistance of the Smithsonian Institution.


A half-hour news documentary special by Bhutan Broadcasting Service, October 2007.

Orangutan Foundation International
The Dancing Star Foundation/Maungatautari Trust
Species Translocation & Community Conservation Workshop
This New Zealand/ Aeotearoa - focused workshop involves invited community groups, ecologists and government agency representatives in discussion topics of intense relevancy to current conservation efforts at sanctuaries, reserves, parks and on private trust lands. The focus was upon the beneficial translocation of native species into appropriate areas; the sharing of knowledge, best practices, tools, methodologies and unique experiences to-date; the application process and its user-friendliness (or not) from the perspective of different community groups; the collective management experience of translocations; pre-, and post-translocation issues in New Zealand; the many lessons learned that can improve the underlying basis for, and success rate of, translocations; habitat corridors and new ideas, proposals, and prospects for enriching the connectivity of heretofore discrete mainland islands and "island refuges" throughout the country.
See: http://www.maungatrust.org/gallery/
Click here for full Powerpoint presentations
"Mad Cowboy" screenings
In addition to its premiere on KQED/PBS/San Francisco and various PBS stations throughout the U.S., "Mad Cowboy" won the 2006 Artivist Film Festival for Best Feature Documentary and was screened for groups in New Zealand, Australia, at the UCLA Medical School, at the Peace Festival in Orlando, as well as at numerous engagements by Howard Lyman (See Voice for a Viable Future website.)
See: http://www.mbcrc.med.ucla.edu/Events/Events012507.htm
"Converging Issues in Global Species Protection"
A lecture, with video clips, by Dr. Michael Tobias for the South Bay Bird Society, Los Angeles, August 14th, 2006. This talk examined some newly emergent themes in the struggle to save rare species, particularly avifauna, with case studies drawn from Peru, New Zealand, the U.S., and elsewhere. What are some of the ramifications of translocation; challenges of recovery; genetic inbreeding? What will global warming mean to habitats with respect to threatened and endangered species? How can individuals make a difference?
Presentation at S.A.F.E.
In June 2006, Dr. Tobias screened "Mad Cowboy" and gave an informal presentation to the staff and friends of Save Animals From Exploitation (S.A.F.E.) at their headquarters in Christchurch, New Zealand. S.A.F.E. is one of the leading animal rights organizations in New Zealand and is working brilliantly to curb the abuse, torment and slaughter of domestic and wild animals on numerous fronts. S.A.F.E. has managed to put a "face" on the animals of human consumption for more and more New Zealanders and the results are increasingly impressive.
"Dr. Michael Tobias On Biodiversity, Human Population, and Animal Rights"
on Earthtalk
Three Half-Hour TV Interviews. Alexandra Paul and Peter Kreitler interviewed Dr. Tobias for a half-hour segment on the topic of global biodiversity in mid-June for their long-standing TV series, Earthtalk. Earlier in the season, Peter Kreitler did a half-hour show with Tobias and Bob Gillespie of Population Communiation on issues pertaining to global family planning and the environment, and a half-hour Earthtalk special with Tobias on animal rights and compassion.
See http://www.earthtalktoday.tv/.
Ahimsa Center
In April, 2006, Dr. Tobias lectured at the Ahimsa Center at Cal Poly Pomona, on global ecological non-violence.
Presentation to the National Association of Independent Schools Annual Meeting of Business Administrators
DSF/Loyola Marymount University Seminar
Island Fest
PDF FILE: Island Fest 2001-2005
"No Vacancy" Screenings
In addition, the film was able to serve as the platform for three very special benefits: Planned Parenthood of Pasadena, the Santa Barbara Planned Parenthood and the United Nations Association of Pasadena.
Additional private screenings of "No Vacancy" occurred (to date) at: The Pasadena Art Center, Loyola Marymount College, The Population Council, New York, The Goethe Institute in Washington, D.C., and at Pitzer College as part of a symposium on Population, Women and the Environment.
Collapse Exhibition First Friday at Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
See: http://www.nhm.org/firstfridays/?date=20051104
2004 International Keynote Address to the New Zealand Planning Institute
"Ahimsa -Non-Violence"
"Representing Animals", November 13th and 14th, 2003, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario