Additional Programs in
New Zealand

Stewart Island Community Nursery
The DSF Ecological Preserve in New Zealand hosted a Community Native Plant Nursery operated by the New Zealand Department of Conservation.

Among the more than 75 New Zealand native species growing in the nursery are the following:
Coprosma areolata
Coprosma foetidissima
Coprosma lucida
Coprosma propinqua
Coprosma rhamnoides
Dacrydium cupressinum
Cracophyllum longifolium
Fuchsia excorticata 
Griselinia littoralis
Hebe elliptica
Hebe speciosa
Linum monogynum
Olearia arborescens  
Olearia colensoi   
Pittosporum tenuifolium
Podocarpus totara
Prumnopitys ferruginea
Pseudopanax simplex
Pseudopanax crassifolius
Pseudopanax arboreus
Pseudowintera colorata
Senecio reinoldii
Astelia fragrans
Phormium tenax

Other New Zealand Programs
Over the past several years DSF has held various workshops, symposia, lectures, screenings and lecture series throughout New Zealand. Those include a major "Translocation Workshop" near Cambridge, on the North Island, and five years of annual symposia on Stewart Island/Rakiura, called "Island Fest". This latter series brought dozens of great scientists, filmmakers and artists to Stewart Island to present new films, and discussions of ecological importance for the public. In the latter two years of the Island Fest series, the lectures were also held in collaboration with the Southland Museum and Art Gallery in Invercargill.

For full transcripts of the Translocation Workshop, as well as the roster of speakers for the five annual Island Fest symposia, see the following PDF files below.

In addition, for the text of the complete address by Tobias to the New Zealand Planning Institute, see PDF File, "The Ecology of Conscience"

PDF FILE: Island Fest 2001-2005
PDF FILE: “Translocation Workshop”

PDF FILE: “The Ecology of Conscience”